A penny of my thoughts to be shared with U -- my fren =)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Location: Singapore

A very goal oriented person. Know what I want to achieve in my life. Very into financial planning and want my friends to achieve financial freedom too while in the midst of pursuiting their happiness without any worries about money.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The FISH! Philosophy

Recently my company organize the FISH! Program for all the staff. Yesterday I went for the class and it's an eye opener.

I had read the FISH! book (by Stephen Lundin) before and this program that I just went would be a revision for me.

This FISH! Philosophy comes about from this company - Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle where all the fishmongers there LOVE their job so much that they are having FUN while working and they don't seem like working at all, just PLAYING. Because of this, many people would specially come to buy fish from them, because they like to see the fishmongers having so much fun and this would bring a smile to their face as well. The fishmongers even invite their customers to join in the fun with them and it really brightens up the customer's day.

Basically there are 4 main FISH! Philosophy that helps the fishmongers to bring out the magical moments in their job: -

  1. Play. Play helps to lighten up the whole working place and reduce the stress level of individual. Play can also helps to bring out creativity in individual and may helps to improve various aspects of the job in the whole working place, since you can think better and deeper if you are not stressed up.
  2. Make their day. This is applicable to serving your customers (both internal and external). You help to brighten up their day by showing genuine interest in them and showing appreciation for things that they did for you. To tell them that you know what they did and you like it.
  3. Be there. This applies where you put in effort to listen to your customers (both internal and external), understand what they are feeling and to show that you will be there for them whenever they need you.
  4. Choose your attitude. Nothing is more important than have a positive attitude. If you have a positive attitude, nothing can beat to that and you may even influence your colleagues to change their attitudes as well. If everyone has a positive attitude, then the end results that the department / company will achieve will be tremendous.

Of cos, when you read this, you may say things like "its easier said than to be done", "I would be happy if my boss accept this idea and change for the better", etc. But if you think deeper, this all boils down to individual, cos if we did all these 4 philosophy, it is ourselves that benefit the most, not others. You will find that you become a better person and you enjoy your work much better and become even better in the future. Your boss may not be what you hope he/she is, but it does not matter. As you live your life for yourself, not for others. What is most important is you feel happy and satisfied. All of us have a lot of choices in our hands. We have full control of what the choices that we are going to make. So are you going to make the choice today and start these 4 philosophy and make your life better?

This philosophy is not only applicable to your job, it also applicable to your family and friends as well. So remember, no matter what you do everyday, always remember the FISH! Philosophy and bring your life to greater heights!

If you are keen to find out more about FISH! Philosophy, please click here.

"Have you live your day to the fullest today? Remember to carry out the FISH! Philosophy!!!" There is nothing fishy about that. So just do it!


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