A penny of my thoughts to be shared with U -- my fren =)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Location: Singapore

A very goal oriented person. Know what I want to achieve in my life. Very into financial planning and want my friends to achieve financial freedom too while in the midst of pursuiting their happiness without any worries about money.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

FrUiTs for the MiND! So ExCiTinG ... ...

"U perform UR best when U R working
CoNtiNUaLLy on HiGH-PRiORiTY goals & objectives"
-- Brian Tracy

"When U were born, U cried & everybody else was happy.
The only question that matters is this:
When U die, will U be HAppY when everybody else is crying?"
-- Tony Campolo

"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve OuTsTanDing SuCCess
because they dont know when to QuiT.
Most men succeed because they are DETerminED to"
-- George Allen

"When one door closes another door opens;
but we do often look so long & so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones which OPen for US"
-- Alexander Graham Bell

"Most people are just trying to get through the day.
SoPhIstICAted people leARn how to get from the day"
-- Jim Rohn

"EvaLuaTIon of the past is the
FIRst step toward the VisiON for the FUture"
-- Chris Widener

"Your BESt FrieND should bring out the BEst in U"
-- Denis Waitley

"ABilitY is what U're capable of doing.
MoTIVation determines what U do.
AttITude determines how well you do it"
-- Lou Holtz

"U dont concentrate on risks.
U ConCenTRATe on RESULts.
No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done"
-- Charles Yeager

"Hard work without talent is a shame,
but TaLEnt without HArd WorK is a Tragedy"
-- Robert Half

"SuCCess is going from failure to failure without a loss of ENthusIASm"
-- Winston Churhill

"It is not your customers' job to remember U,
it is UR ObLiGation & ResPOnsibILity to make sure
they dont have the chance to forget U"
-- Patricia Fripp


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