FrUiTs for the MiND! So ExCiTinG ... ...
"U perform UR best when U R working
CoNtiNUaLLy on HiGH-PRiORiTY goals & objectives"
-- Brian Tracy
"When U were born, U cried & everybody else was happy.
The only question that matters is this:
When U die, will U be HAppY when everybody else is crying?"
-- Tony Campolo
"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve OuTsTanDing SuCCess
because they dont know when to QuiT.
Most men succeed because they are DETerminED to"
-- George Allen
"When one door closes another door opens;
but we do often look so long & so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones which OPen for US"
-- Alexander Graham Bell
"Most people are just trying to get through the day.
SoPhIstICAted people leARn how to get from the day"
-- Jim Rohn
"EvaLuaTIon of the past is the
FIRst step toward the VisiON for the FUture"
-- Chris Widener
"Your BESt FrieND should bring out the BEst in U"
-- Denis Waitley
"ABilitY is what U're capable of doing.
MoTIVation determines what U do.
AttITude determines how well you do it"
-- Lou Holtz
"U dont concentrate on risks.
U ConCenTRATe on RESULts.
No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done"
-- Charles Yeager
"Hard work without talent is a shame,
but TaLEnt without HArd WorK is a Tragedy"
-- Robert Half
"SuCCess is going from failure to failure without a loss of ENthusIASm"
-- Winston Churhill
"It is not your customers' job to remember U,
it is UR ObLiGation & ResPOnsibILity to make sure
they dont have the chance to forget U"
-- Patricia Fripp
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