A penny of my thoughts to be shared with U -- my fren =)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Location: Singapore

A very goal oriented person. Know what I want to achieve in my life. Very into financial planning and want my friends to achieve financial freedom too while in the midst of pursuiting their happiness without any worries about money.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh Gosh! $$$$$ not enough again!!

"Oh gosh! $$$$$ is not enough again!!!"

This is a common phase that many people used many times. People always complaining that their money is always not enough.

Many contribute that their low pay is the cause of their agony and misery. Some contribute that they do not know how to manage their money well. They always spend all their money before the month is through. Some even need to borrow money from their friends to get through the month. Their reason for spending money like water is that they work hard in their job so now it is time to pamper themselves. But they fail to realise that they had actually overspend until the fateful day.

So if you are the person who fall into this category who do not know how to manage your money. Fear Not. Because your solution is here.

There is actually a seminar on wealth management for everyone in November in Singapore. This is actually a good chance for those of you to learn from others -- those experts -- on how to manage your wealth. The price is very reasonable and affordable.

Below is the details of the seminar: -

Date: 11 November 2006 (Saturday)
Speakers: Mark Daniell and Dr Karin Iris Sixl-Daniell
Venue: SMU Conference Hall (Admin Building)
Duration: About 3 hours
Investment: S$50.00 + booking fee

If you are keen in this seminar but is skeptical about the speakers, then fear not. As the speakers actually appear on Primetime Morning Series on Channel News Asia, they are reputable. If you want to know more about this seminar, please check it out in Sistic website.


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