A penny of my thoughts to be shared with U -- my fren =)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Location: Singapore

A very goal oriented person. Know what I want to achieve in my life. Very into financial planning and want my friends to achieve financial freedom too while in the midst of pursuiting their happiness without any worries about money.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Stress? Tired? Restless? Something to boost you up???

"Formal education will make you a living;
self education will make you a fortune."
by Jim Rohn

"Target the heart of your customer, not his wallet."
by Rick Beneteau

"Integrity is not a conditional word.
It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather.
It is your inner image of yourself,
and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat,
then you know he never will."
by John. D MacDonald

"Those who seek security are no longer employable."
by Denis Waitley

"When you know clearly what you want,
you'll wake up every morning excited about life."
by Mark Victor Hansen

"Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."
by Napolean Hill

"Dare to go forward.
Courage is the mark of greatness in leadership."
by Brian Tracy

"The person with the most flexibility
has the best chance of achieving the outcome he / she desires."
by Tony Jeary

"People who know the most,
know they know so little,
while people who know nothing want to take all day to tell it to you."
by Charlie T Jones

"Big people are always giving someone credit and taking blame;
little people are always seeking credit and giving blame."
by Charlie T Jones

Friday, October 13, 2006

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve" by Napoleon Hill

Recently, somebody made this comment, "We are not going to be millionaires, anyway."

Because of this statement, it suddenly brought me back to the past and helped me recalled what I had learnt through the books and seminars I went.

Like what the subject title I put in this post, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

Our minds are very powerful source of creation. Look at how the world has changed. From the era where our ancestors who were the cavemen and hunt for animals, and to the present era where we live in high rise buildings and use technology-driven equipments, all these happened because of our great powerful minds.

Similarly, if you want to gain financial freedom and be a millionaire, of course you can achieve it if you believe in yourself. If you want to help as many people as possible, of course you can achieve it too. Just like in the movie "Pay it forward" where the small boy wanted to help as many people as possible, so when the person who received his help and wanted to pay him back his kindness, he would tell that person that the person can in turn help another person as a form a paying it back to the small boy. This is why the movie is called "Pay it forward".

Like what Mr. Anthony Robbins had said, "You must believe in yourself and tell yourself that you can achieve what you want to achieve. From there, you actually do up a blueprint and set small goals in order to achieve this big goal. You set yourself a deadline to achieve these small goals and think of the strategy in order to achieve these small goals. If the strategy doesn't work, change the strategy and keep on improvising it. Most importantly, don't give up on your goals and dreams.

But definitely, there will be people out there who said, "It is easier than to be done. Life is more difficult than what you picture," and lots of other excuses. Some even blame on others or luck for their failure.

All these people belong to the category which Mr. Robert Kiyosaki has termed as, "The Losers". The losers are those people who give up once they failed and some don't even do anything at all and all they do are sitting down there and keep on whining and whining, complaining and complaining and they do absolutely NOTHING to improve themselves and be a better person.

If you are determined to achieve what you want in your life, and you find that you may be surrounded by some of these losers, please don't let them influence you and allow them to pull you down. Like what Mr. Adam Khoo has said, "Let them go and die and we have less competition." Hehehe. This is a humorous way to encourage us not to give up and don't let all these negative influences affecting us.

So if you keen to improve yourself and lead a better life, you can go to the major bookstores or library to read those books by those famous people I mentioned in this post.

Always with this in mind, "Whatever you have in your mind, it lasts forever. Nobody can take it away from you. Those material things that you own and wear, people can take it away from you. So please spend some quality time by yourself and read the books by these people and lead a fulfilling life of your own."

I have attached a link where it is actually a video clip of Mr. Anthony Robbins's Seminar -- Date with Destiny.

This seminar took place when 911 incident happened in USA. Through this clip, you can actually see how Mr Anthony Robbins helped those people who attended his seminar at that time when the incident happened and how he helped them cope with the lost of their families and friends at that split second. In particularly, Mr. Anthony Robbins actually chose two participants - one who thought he wants to be a terrorist and one experienced the pain of terrorism, and you would get to see how Mr. Anthony Robbins helped these two men aligned their goals and helped them to achieve their greater self. Generally speaking, he helped all these people to cope with crisis and challenges -- to portray leadership in time of crisis.

With this clip, you would get to learn a lot of things. I shall not elaborate more. You should go and see it yourself and learnt by yourself. Most importantly, please don't wait till you are free and watch the clip, as I don't know when this website will be removed. If you go and check out the prices of all those DVD's of those seminar clips of Mr. Anthony Robbins, it actually cost a few hundreds dollars. Now you can actually watch it for free, therefore please grab hold of this opportunity and don't let it slip by. This clip helps to transform yourself. After watching this clip, you realize that your life, from this moment onwards, have changed and life will not be the same anymore. Life will be very exciting and colorful for you and you can't wait to change and become a better person and pursue your dreams and goals passionately.

PS: Remember to prepare some tissue papers. This clip is so touching that Mr. Anthony Robbins also shed his tears.

PPSS: For those who never watch Mr. Anthony Robbin's video clip before, please watch the video clip like a baby. What do i mean by a baby? That means you have nothing in your mind, your mind is blank and you are so eager to learn new things from this master -- Mr. Anthony Robbins. If you watch this clip as who you are now, then you will find that you may not learnt anything and instead you will be skeptical in what he is doing. You will say, "It's bullshit."

On top of that, you must picture yourself as a participant of this seminar. Treat it as Mr. Anthony Robbins is talking to you like a friend. Learn to let go of your emotions, mind and your soul and listen to him attentively. This is the ONLY way that you can truely learnt from him.

To end this note, below is what I quoted from Mr. Anthony Robbins:

Now I am the Voice,
I will lead, not follow.
I will believe, not doubt.
I will create, not destroy.
I am a Force for Good.
I am a Leader.

Defy the odds!
Set a new standard!
Step Up! Step Up!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"You're Fired!!!" --- N He is Back!!!

"You're fired!!!" -- Do you find this term familiar or unfamiliar?

This term is commonly used by ... ...

Yes, is Him!

Who else but Him!

Nobody else except Him!

He is no other than ... ...

Mr Donald Trump himself!!

And ... ...

The reality show "The Apprentice" is BACK by POPULAR Demand!

For those of you who never watch any single episodes of this reality show before, let me give you an update of what this show is about.

This is actually a competition where a group of men and women will form two teams. Every week, Mr Donald Trump will give the two teams a project assigned by top big corporation's and MNCs and they need to do a good job within the tight deadlines. As all these top big corporations are well known internationally, definitely they will have very, very high expectations from the two teams and if the winning team's work is good, they may used the team's work and launch it commercially. So we can imagine the amount of stress that the two teams are facing every week.

The winning team will get a reward arranged by Mr Donald Trump such as having dinner in a high class prestigious restaurants, having a casual discussion with famous personalities, or having a helicopter ride, etc.

The losing team will go to the boardroom where they are supposed to convince Mr Donald Trump why they should stay in the game and why their team mate should be fired. From the "fire-fighting" going in among the team members, Mr Donald Trump will decide who should be fired and then he will do his classic move -- with his pointing finger, he will point to that particular team mate and tell the person, "you're fired!"

Sometimes, the show actually reaches its climax when Mr Donald Trump suddenly fired more than one team mates.

So this will continue every week until there is only two contestants left in the show. Mr Donald Trump then assigns a project to each of them that is organized by the Trump Organization. Mr Donald Trump will also assign a team of people to these two contestants and usually this team of people were those who were fired in previous episodes. When the projects were completed, the two contestants will go back to the boardroom where they will convinced Mr Donald Trump to choose them as The Apprentice. The winner who is given the title will be in charge a major project by the Trump Organization and all projects under Trump Organization are major scales and worth millions of dollars. Imagine the prestige and status when one won the title of the Apprentice.

What is so attractive about this show that entice me to try my best to watch it every week when I am not working?

Beside the word of wisdom that Mr Donald Trump will advise every week that is related to the projects that the teams are working on, what is most important is when you observe how each team member behaves.

Through each member's behavior, one can actually find a streak of similarity in your working colleagues, your boss and yourself. And through observation, one can learn from others by studying what are the rights and wrongs that they did that led to the success or failure of the project.

From there, you will get to understand what should one do and how should one behave in order to encourage team cohesiveness and encourage the team to strive hard for the common goal of the company.

One can understand different people's personalities as well and aware what should one do when one needs to work with a team mate with such personality.
Though it is just a simple competition, there are a lot of knowledge that can be gained when you think more deeply and be more observant when the game is on.


PS: Mr Donald Trump has formed an online university named the Trump University. You can surf the website to find out more about the courses and also signed up for the newsletter where there will be newsletter email to you periodically and from there, you can learn more and widen your perspective about many aspects of business and others too.