A penny of my thoughts to be shared with U -- my fren =)

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Location: Singapore

A very goal oriented person. Know what I want to achieve in my life. Very into financial planning and want my friends to achieve financial freedom too while in the midst of pursuiting their happiness without any worries about money.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Why Men don't Get It N Women don't Get It Too???

Today, I went for a seminar and the speaker was Mr Allan Pease, author of the Bestseller Books - Why Men Don't Listen and Why Women Can't Read Maps; Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus.

This is a very enriching and educational seminar to let the opposite sex understand each other better. It is an eye-opener too when he discussed the huge differences between men and women. I shall not go into the details of the differences here. If you are interested to find out more, you can go to his website to check it out.

The question to ponder is ... ...

Why are the breakups and divorce rates so high? And yet why some couples can managed their relationship for so long and they are always seem so in love with each other for so many years?

I guess is how we handle the problems ...

We know that there are huge differences between men and women. But when the differences occur, some of us know how to react positively to the differences and understand the differences and thus manage to converge and come up with a win win solution for both.

But for some of us, when the difference occurs, we choose to be firm on our own point of view and refuse to budge or refuse to put ourselves in the other party's shoes and choose not to discuss the problems. When the problems keep mounting high up to a height of a mountain, we can't take it anymore and say "That's it. I don't want to continue anymore". And this leaves with a sad ending.

We like / love our partners, because we are different, we are opposites, thus the term "opposite sex". If we choose someone who is the same / similar as us, then we will be bored! But if we don't know how to manage our differences well, problems arise again.

Like the example that Mr Allan Pease had given us - his teenage daughter is very excited about her new boyfriend, saying that he is very cute and she enjoys finding things for him which he can't see (common characteristics of men who 'can't see' things at a near distance). But after one year of courtship, she tells her father that she had enough of him cos this stupid man can't even find the butter in the fridge which is staring right in front of him! Hehehe.

So what is the solution to this problem then?

The solution is to accept that men and women are different, but we must respect and give way to each other and compromise with each other, so that the relationship can continue to grow and bloom.

Dating does not ends with marriage. In fact dating continues after marriage cos it provides the opportunity to love each other more and know each other better and add value to the marriage. Like what Mr Allan Pease had said "In the workplace, he and his wife are equal. But on a social and personal level, he is the man of the family protecting and care for his wife and family. And his wife is happy too, cos this is what all women want - to have a man to love and care for her and he is happy too cos he can bring out the characteristics of a man and be a real hero in his wife's eyes."

So open your heart and let your love flows ...
Don't worry about what the future holds for you...
Your heart will tell you the answer ...

Don't say "I Won't Say I Am In LoVe" ... ...
You can't lied to your heart ... ...
Ask your heart "Can You Feel The LoVe Tonight" ... ...
And your heart will tell you the answer you seek ... ...
And you realize that you are in "A Whole New World" ... ...
With the special someone that makes your heart beats so fast ... ...
Aw Aw Aw ... ... So Ssswweeeettt => ... ...

PS: if you like Disney Songs, you can check it out here!! =)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

THis SoNg SpEciAllY for u!! "OnlY U" --My FRen =p

I HaVe SpEnd HoUrs N HOurs
sEaRchINg the WEbsIte
FinDing A SpeCIal SoNg
fOr the SpEcial U!
"OnLY U" ... =)

FiNally I FoUNd it!! ... =>

PlEaSe CliCk THis SONg
N PAy AtteNTIOn to The LyrICS ... =)

Its EMpHasis the IMpoRTance
of OUr FriENdSHIp ... "OnLy U" ... =>

PS: It MAy tAke Some tImE to LoaD ...
But PLease B PatienCE as
GOOD thINGs R WorTH the waIT !
N PATIence is VirTUE ... =)

PPSS:: I HOpe tHat tHis SOng
HAs maKe U haPPy
as It MAkes MinE ...
N If U wANts to ListEN to THis SOng again,
U R alWAys mOst wELcome to Click THis SOng ONce MOre!
SpeciALly FoR "OnLy U" !! ... =>

PPPSSS::: If U WAnt TO BriGHten UR OthEr FreNS' DAy
oR ThinK THat UR OtHer FrENs mAy Like tHIs SOng tOO,
U CAn fORwaRd mY BLoG aDDRess to tHEm!!
All FrENs R WelCOme!! "OnlY U" !
'THere R nO StrANgers in THis woRld,
ONly FrIEnds Who NEver SAy HI!' ... =)

Monday, April 10, 2006

The FISH! Philosophy -- Part 2!!

Hi hi, my dear friends ... ...

It has been two weeks since I last posted the Fish! Philosophy article in my blog. So have you implemented any of the four philosophy? Or you have implemented them all? That's GREAT! It's so fantastic! Did you implement it in your working place, your school, with your family or with your friends? So how is the result? Excellent? Oh my oh my, I am so happy for you! So did you feel the impact of how such a four simple philosophy can have such a positive tremendous effect on you?

OR till now, you have did nothing after reading the article? Do you still continue the monotonous way of life, feeling so tired and just can't seem to get enough rest and play? Do you have the sense of satisfaction and achievement from your work, study and relationship with others? Are you satisfied of what you are having now or doing now? Do you want to achieve more, be happier, be more satisfied, etc?

As for me, I did implement the philosophy on one of my colleagues by 'playing' and 'making her day' (playing and making their day belongs to the Fish! Philosophy) through doing one simple action for her. That action only caused me less than five minutes but the impact on her was so great that she was so happy throughout the day and she even shared her happiness with the rest of the colleagues by showing the rest what I have done for her and thus also leading to the rest of the colleagues to be very happy and delighted too ... ... very 'contagious' effect. HeHeHe. I never expect the result is so great as I thought only my colleague will be happy but never thought that the whole department will be happy too.

So what are the three commitments of the Fish! Philosophy once you learnt about the philosophy: -

1) Find IT. This is the primary commitment to sustain the vision that you holds in the various aspects for your life. For example, your vision for your friendship is to be a good friend who can be there for your friends when they need you. Not just play and have fun.

2) Live IT. This means that you have various action plans to actually carry out the IT that you mention in Point 1. For example, you can give your friends some advice when they meet any problems. You can share with your friends what you have learnt from others so that your friends can also 'grow' intellectually, spiritually or physically. You can give them little surprises to make their day. You can be proactive in talking to them and to let them know that you are always be there for them, etc.

3) Coach IT. This means that you actually teach others what you practiced so that everybody can guide and teach one other and keep each other motivated and grow to greater heights. So you teach your friends what you learnt and practised and your friends teach their friends what you taught them and so on and so forth.

This is more of a personal example. If you apply the three commitments to the Pike Place Fish Market case, their IT under 'Point 1 - find IT' will be to be the world famous fish market that everybody knows and everybody will visit when they go to Seattle. They achieve this by implementing the four Fish! Philosophy which are Play, Make Their Day, Be There and Choose Your Attitude.
They definitely 'Live IT' by having some much fun in their work and also bringing lots of smiles and laughters to those people who are watching them playing. Why they have so much fun is because they choose their own attitude by choosing it to be very positive.
And last but not least, they 'Coach IT' by teaching their new staff how to play, make customers' days, be there for the customers and choose to have positive attitude when they are working. Because of these three commitments, they achieve what they wanted to do and not only that, they are so successful that they actually have a website and allow online ordering for customers ... ... Wow Wow ...

Here I actually attached the link to Pike Place Fish Market's website. Take your time to browse the website. The most important link you must check it out is "sights and sounds". In this link, you get to see short clips how they actually have fun at their workplace and how they make customers happy and thus making customers come back again and again.

So the question to you is, "If you have not implement the Fish! Philosophy in the various aspects of your life, are you going to do it NOW or ... ... Do you realize that you have missed out so much excitement in your life? Do it TODAY and be happy!!"

Action speaks louder than words and its only with action then you will have reaction!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Photos taken at East Coast. Hahaha!! Enjoy!!

Wow .... Handsome doggies trying to attract who? ... ... Hehehe

O I C ... ... Trying to attract this cute babe!!! Hahaha

(Ps: hope you enjoy the photos!)

When is the last time U actually spend some quality time for Urself?

Today, I went to East Coast Park to have a cycle. It have been a long time that I did not do any cycling to an extent that I even forgot when was the last time I went ... ...

Seeing today is a good day with nice weather, I decided to go for a ride, to do some exercise.

It had been a good experience as the weather is very good with lots of sea breeze. There are sounds of sea waves breaking the shore, birds chirping around, doggies running around happily and sweet smell of the crisp tree leaves.

Since it was a 2 hour ride, I stopped at East Coast Lagoon Hawker Center to buy some curry puffs (I heard that the curry puffs there is good) and continue my journey to Bedok Jetty ...

This is the part where the experience is terrific. I found one seat and make myself comfortable. I took out my hot piping crispy curry puff, my chilling ice water and most importantly, my book! Hehehe. I started reading my book and enjoy my tea break at the same time. HHHmmmm .... taste so good ... Yummy, Yummy ... ... So I get to replenish my depleted energy and I also get to improve mentally with new knowledge ... ...
And I get to see those fishes swimming in the water enjoying themselves. *Reminds me of Walt Disney's Movie - The Little Mermaid. "Under the sea, under the sea, nobody eat us, nobody fry us as a cuisine"* Kinda cool to immerse myself in the natural surroundings with no hustling and bustling of city life. Also get to enjoy natural aircon which is much better than our artificial aircon in the office. What a heavenly feeling .... aaahhhhh ....

Then somebody broke the silence and serendity of the surrounding. One of the men was talking very loudly and jumping up and down? Y? cos he caught a big fish (To him it is big but it is not those big fishes that you see in the market). Kinda cute to see someone so happy about his catch. Good for him. You can see the zest in his eyes after that and he is so motivated to continue his fishing, hoping that he can catch something even better. His friends also shared his joy and zest that they also become more motivated to continue their fishing.

(That is what life is all about. We work so hard in order to get some returns for our effort. If our returns are more than what is expected, then we will be so delighted and motivated and put in more effort, hoping to achieve more. If we work so hard and our returns are very meager, then we lost the zest of working. Some of us may change job and some of us may become robots - work for the sake of salary and nothing else. That leads to each of us having different paths. So whether you want to achieve the returns you expected from your work or not or becoming a robot, the choice lies in your hands. So what is your choice?)

Shortly after, a loud 'ZZzzooommm' past by. I looked up and saw our big brother -- SIA -- bringing business to Singapore and boost our economy. So it's kinda of ironic, as here am I, relaxing myself and there is he - our dear Mr Pilot - working so hard to make sure that he drove the plane safely to Singapore and bring business to our country.

(We trade our skills for salary to survive but we sacrifice our time. Due to the fast pace of the society, there will be a lot of time where we actually spend much more time in our work than what is stated in the contract for our working hours. So much so that sometimes we will find that we are underpaid.
And also due to the increase of our standard of living, we are expecting more and demand more material things to satisfy our ongoing requests for more wants. With higher demands, we work even harder and harder so as to earn more OT pay or even have a promotion with higher salary. So we actually stuck in this rat race, keep working very hard with higher salary and buy more material things. Yet we actually sacrifice our time for spending some good quality time for ourselves to do what we want do.

Here am I spending some time for myself and yet the economy still continues to move, continues to grow, and our dear Mr Pilot is still working very hard now, when I am typing this. Hehehe. So it takes everybody's effort to grow the economy but it does not takes everybody's effort to continuously 24 hours everyday to grow the economy. When the economy grows, you get to benefit from it. But if you did not maintain your well-being, the society or economy will not stop for you, it will still continue what it suppose to do. So at the end, it is U, ONLY U who will suffer.)

Good time always pass so fast, two hours is up and my ride is over. But good time is not over yet. As now is shopping time!!! I walked to parkway parade to shop around. Not forgetting that there is a pet shop in the neighborhood. Time to go and see my dear dear friends --- doggies, kitties, fishes, bunnies, hamsters .... Wow .... So many friends .... So happy!!!!
So? When is the last time U actually spend some quality time for Urself? (This is especially important to those who always work OT. Does it worth it? The extra time you spend at work = the OT pay or job satisfaction you get?) Hhhmmm ... ...